This Mountain Lion Takes Its First Steps To Freedom After 20 years Living In Chain
Many countries have officially enacted laws against keeping wild animals in the circus. However, many circuses seem to be blinded by money and continue to keep these…

Kevin Hart uses a wheelchair after incident leaves him seriously injured
Actor and comedian Kevin Hart had an experience that changed his view on aging. Despite recently celebrating his 44th birthday and always feeling young at heart, he…

Dog Saves His Human Baby Girl’s Life After She Stopped Breathing In The Mid Night
Having a dog is one of the greatest things in life as their loyalty has no limits. Actually, they risk their lives to save their owners! This…

Little Boy Adopts Oldest Unwanted Dog From Shelter, Makes Him Happy Until His Last Days
Nobody understands how some individuals can uproot and abandon their animals. This family moved away, leaving their dog, Shey, with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa.The 14-year-old…

Photo shows teen helping elderly blind woman cross the street & I think he deserves our recognition
This 15-year-old kid and his younger sister deserve full credit for seeing an elderly woman in need and volunteering to assist her. Dontarius Caldwell was playing phone…

Image of street dog forces animal heroes to note much bigger problem in Houston
In a world where 200 million dogs are homeless, the situation may seem desperate, but there’s actually hope. Government-funded programs, organizations, volunteers and ordinary lovers — there…

Disfigured Dog Is Given Up On Time And Time Again, Until One Woman Sees All His Beauty
Rarely ever do aesthetic qualities define beauty. When you turn us inside out, we all sort of look the same. The inner feelings that we have are…

Vince Gil Was Told He’s Not Allowed To Sing About Jesus, So He Steps On Stage And Belts Out Famous Gospel
Vince is known for his incredible voice, and this was just another good day on stage, but this time he sang “Why Me Lord” together with the…

Rescued Lion, Tiger, And Bear Remained Best Friends For Over 15 Years!
So happy they found each other…! These friends appear only in fairy tales, but they are real-life friends who have been through many ups and downs in…

Little girl emotionally sings ‘You Are My Sunshine’ to dying cat
Pets become a truly meaningful part of a person’s life and eventually become a member of the family, as any pet owner will attest to. Pets give…