Stop Wearing Jeans Once You Reach This Age

There are a surprising amount of activities you can’t do until you reach a certain age, like drive a car and rent a hotel room. On the flip side, you apparently can become too old to do certain things, too. That includes one rather commonplace habit: wearing jeans.

The data was collected by CollectPlus, a UK courier company that recently surveyed 2,000 national shoppers. They were asked to share their shopping habits and wardrobe preferences—all the way down to their perfect pair of jeans.
Based on the final data, the respondents seemed to agree that people shouldn’t be trying to squeeze into denim past the age of 53. The reason? It’s not because you’re making a fashion faux pas, though. In truth, it just becomes harder to find a pair that fits by that age.
Sadly, the numbers spell bad news for denim devotees. One in 10 of respondents over the age of 50 reported trying on up to six styles before finding the perfect pair, the researchers said. The study also found that most people experience peak stress levels while jeans shopping by age 53. Six percent of shoppers even became so upset they burst into tears.Of course, finding the perfect pair of blue jeans might as well be rocket science, no matter how old you are. In fact, research shows people spend an average of five to eight days searching for jeans. So it’s no surprise that most people don’t buy a new pair for another three years at minimum.
If you still want to rock your favorite pair of denims until you retire, we will cheer you on.

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