54-year-old Mariah Carey criticized for red carpet outfit – ‘this is not something you should be wearing’

One of the most renowned artists of her generation is likely Mariah Carey.The now 54-year-old singer recently made headlines with her attire. Find out what others thought about her outfit choice by reading on.
At the star-studded event, Mariah Carey managed to attract a lot of attention, as everyone was dressed very elegantly. The artist was the target of much criticism due to her « bold » wardrobe choice.

The 54-year-old singer wore a dress that some considered unusual for the third annual Recording Academy Honors.

She was dressed in a cream-colored dress that accentuated her figure and adorned with a corset featuring transparent caramel-colored tulle accents. The pop star looked great in the silhouette.

A deep neckline that accentuated the singer’s body in places that not everyone deemed appropriate was another part of the ensemble.Fans praised the singer’s appearance, with one saying, « I like it, » and another noting that the outfit « seemed to be made for her. »

Some others were more stringent and found the clothing a bit too youthful for her. « Maybe Mariah from the early 90s, but that’s not really something you should wear at 54, » said one commentator.

« At a certain age, you just have to cover everything up, » said another, and « Someone needs to remind her that she’s 54, not 24, » said a third.

Mariah has already seen negative comments online, as fans are accustomed to leaving critical remarks on the star’s social media accounts.

When the pop singer posted photos of herself and her ex-boyfriend Bryan Tanaka on Instagram in 2017, some people derogatorily commented on her weight.n the photo, someone said, « Mariah, you need to lose a little weight because you’re starting to look like a whale. »

Some others said that the singer looked « disgusting, » that she « looked like a flirt, » and that she « should cover up those balloons. » The singer has often been treated unfairly.

Opinions on the clothing worn by celebrities are often quite diverse. However, what’s more important is how the celebrity feels in these outfits. Mariah Carey has every right to wear a dress that doesn’t suit everyone’s taste.

What do you think of Mariah Carey’s evening wear? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Discuss with others and find out what they think!

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